What you need for generating online income; Just a blog and an Adsense account nothing more. We have shared few simple tips which are within the reach of everyone,still everyone is not following these tips.
I will remind you these simple 10 things that should not be forgotten that the system works.
1. Use the same colors for your site and your Adsense space. More pub drowning in the content and the website, and you will get clicks. If you use red for your specific menu, use exactly the same red for your Adsense.
2. Place your ads Adsense top and not the bottom. Users can not click on the ads they do not see … and more than half of Internet users do not read web page to the bottom.
3. Add a Google search box on your Adsense site. Over 20% of Internet search just arrived at your site, if the first page displayed is not exactly what they want and that their site seems relevant.
4. Consider using all formats of Adsense ads (mobile, RSS, videos, images and text …). If you can add buttons also parrainnages when available (they tend to disappear in French).
5. Consider using Adsense targeting tags: In the source code, place the tag:
<! - google_ad_section_start ->
before the content you want to target and
<! - google_ad_section_end ->
after. If you want to specify Adsense completely ignore some of the content (a tag cloud for example), use the tag
<! - google_ad_section_start (weight = ignore) ->
and before <! - google_ad_section_end -> after.
6. There are topics that pay more than others. For example, the purchase of credit pays more than disposable razors. Dating sites online that pay more wallpapers free … Think about what pays well. Learn about internet, there are “rankings” and even cost per click depending on the subject (information taken lightly, but gives a good general idea.
7. Give interesting content. If your page has no interest, and gives no info and is badly written, there are big chances that the rare visitors read and return to their Google search to obtain more conclusive results. If instead you try to create valuable content, visitors will read it with interest, and will naturally want to click on one of the links on the same page (possibly a pub Adsense). In addition, interesting content may be quoted, to be commented and therefore be clearly seen search engines (thus increasing your ranking, your traffic and your Adsense revenue!).
8. Watch the Adsense ads that appear on your site. There are certainly some that have nothing to do there, that are completely off topic and you are losing money.You can ban sites that publish these on your own ads directly on your administrative console Adsense.
9. Use Google Analytics and Adsense tracking tool. You can cross very efficiently and optimize the data that must be. For example, if you observe that 70% of visits from Google for a specific keyword click the Adsense ads once they arrive on your site … it’ll just search engine optimization for this keyword to increase your Adsense revenue!
10. Avoid displaying too many links on your page. More links there are, the more opportunities you offer to your visitors for that “click to go elsewhere” on your ads
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